Reference > Style examples

Style examples

Examples of all the chart and axis styles.

AltitudeShadingAltitude shading
AboveGridAbove gridlines – Y-label positioning
AngledLabelsAngled labels – label placement
AnnotateModelAnnotate model
ArrowedAxisArrowed Axes
AtEndCaptionCaption written at the end of the Axis
BalancedAxisBalanced Axis – force matching range about the zero point.
BoxedBoxed style
BoxFrameBoxFrame style
CellsCreatedCells style
CenteredCaptionCenteredCaption style
CroppedAxesCropped style
OriginMarkerOrigin Marker on Polar charts
ClampToAxisClamp lines to chart range
ClippedClip to axis range
ClockFaceClockFace scaling is used on Polar charts
CoarseCoarse shading
ContoursContours on mesh surfaces
CrispEdgesCrispEdges – cancel anti-aliasing on lines
CurvesCurves are used to join data points
ExplodeAxesExploded Axes
MinorTicksMinor Tickmarks
DuplicateTicksDuplicated Tickmarks
DuplicateAxesDuplicated Axes
DecileWhiskersDecile whiskers on Boxplot
DissectedDissected arrows on Vector plot
DriftMarkersDirectional Min-Max
DurationDuration formatting
EnvelopeShaded envelope is used on MinMax plots
ErrorBarsErrorBars are added to MinMax plots
ExactFitAxis range is not taken to the next major tickmark
FarthestFirstFarthest first on piecharts
FilledFilled lines
FineFine shading
FlatTextFlat text for 3D labelling
FloatingBarsFloating bars
ForceOriginForce Modelfit through zero
FrameAxesFramed axes
GrowthCurveGrowth curve
HaloMarkersHalo markers
HollowCenterHollow center on Polar charts
IndexedIndexed data
InlineWithDataInline keys
InsideLabelsInside Labels
InsideTicksInside Ticks
InvertAxisInverted Y-scale
InvisibleAxisInvisible axes
KiteDiagramKite charts
LinesLines are drawn between points
LogAxesLog Scales on both Axes
LogScaleLogarithmic Scales
MarkersMarkers drawn
MiddleLabelsMiddleLabels – labels go between ticks
MergedMerged row-labels
NoAxesNo Axes are drawn
NoAxisNo Axis is drawn
NoLinesNo lines are drawn on Linegraphs
NoMarkersNo markers are drawn on Scatterplots
NoTicksNo Tickmarks
NoTagsNo Tags
NoWrapNo wrapping
NormalCurveNormalCurve on Histograms
OmitLastLabelOmit last X-label
OverlayGridOverlayed gridlines
ParityParity plot
PlainPlain PieChart or Tower
PlainAxisPlain axes are used (no ticks or labels)
ProjectContoursProject Contours on XY-plane
RelativeRelative data
RowsData is in rows, not columns
RadialScalingMarkers are scaled to radius
RisersRisers from axis or data
RootedRooted vectors
RoseDiagramRose diagram
RoundedRounded corners
ScaleBarScale bar for Altitude-shaded plots
ShadowedShadowed boxes are drawn
SkipRepeatsRepeated values are suppressed
SkipRunsRuns of values are suppressed
SpanDataTrendline spans data range
SpannedLabelsSpanned labels in tables headers and X-labels
SegmentLinesSegmented lines are used at missing values
StackedBarsStacked bars
StayAtEdgeLabels stay where they were
SurfaceShadingSurface fill is drawn
SynchronisedSynchronised gridlines
TerminatedTerminated Min-Max
TicksBetweenTicksBetween – tickmarks between bars
TiledSurfaceTiled surfaces
TopAxisTop X-Axis
TrendLineTrend lines are drawn for each series
TrendSurfaceTrend surface
ValueTagsValue tags are added to all data points
WallShadingWalls are shaded on 3D charts
WedgeZonesWedge zones
CrossingTicksCrossing Ticks
XYPlotXY Plot

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