Tutorials > General Tutorials

General Tutorials

These tutorials cover a simple introduction to developing a business graphic and go on to show how SharpPlot can be used in a variety of specialist charting applications.

Topics covered

Creating a Business Graphic
SharpPlot is shipped with sample.cs which illustrates many of the capabilities you need to generate effective business graphics. This short tutorial takes the chart step by step and explains the various properties and methods used to construct it.
Adding Links & Handlers
SharpPlot makes it particularly easy to add hyperlinks and other JavaScript handlers to your charts. This tutorial shows how you can associate links and some simple handlers with each sector of a piechart. Try clicking on the sectors of the piechart for a simple popup message.
Working with Multiple Series
There are many strategies for showing multiple data series in the same charting space. This tutorial explores the ways SharpPlot allows you to approach the issue of arranging several series on the same page.
Grouping and Splitting Database Data
Many aggregations can be done very easily in SQL, and SharpPlot simply used to plot the group totals. The methods explored in this tutorial show you how to make more complex summaries and cross-tabs directly from the raw data series.

There is also a full set of tutorials specific to each type of chart.

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