Reference > Active Charts

Active Charts

The PageMap class allows the programmer to explore hotspot data contained in any chart to reproduce the typical behaviour of a VML graphic deployed by a web-server.

public class PageMap

This utility class is designed to permit an application to convert mouse-tracking information into references back to the original data from which the chart was created.

This may be used (for example) to eliminate outliers from a regression analysis or to implement data editing by allowing the user to drag markers or bars. The examples all refer to this simple chart, which has 2 data series (one with bars and one with markers) and also has a tip on the heading text.

The hotspot detail is always returned in a HotspotInfo structure which tells you all you need to know to implement a graphical enquiry or editing application.

See PageMap Introduction for a fuller description and a simple worked example.

PageMap Members

Width Property
The width (in points) of the paper used to draw the chart
Height Property
The height (in points) of the paper used to draw the chart
PointsToAxes Method
Convert between co-ordinate systems based on given chart, or topmost chart at this location.
AxesToPoints Method
Do conversion from chart axis units to points based on given chart, or last chart drawn if omitted.
EnumerateCharts Method
List all charts found on this page.
FindChart Method
Report the name of the chart at these (x,y) co-ordinates.
FindHint Method
Recover hint text given hotspot handle. This gets the value of any hint text set for a data value by sp.AddHints when the chart is created.
FindHotspot Method
Find the details of any data points on this page at given (x,y) location.
FindHyperlink Method
Recover link text given hotspot handle. This gets the value of any hyperlink set for a data value by sp.AddHyperlinks when the chart is created.
FindInfo Method
Find the details of any standard chart object(s) given the chart id and any ScriptTarget.
FindPoints Method
Locate all data points whose centres lie within given bounding box.
FindScriptValue Method
Recovers the value of any attribute set for a data value by sp.AddAttributes when the chart is created.
FindTip Method
Recover tip text given hotspot handle. This gets the value of any tip set for a data value by sp.AddTips when the chart is created.
GetHotspotInfo Method
Recover hotspot details given hotspot handle.
GetTracker Method
Convert points to status message giving x and y in user-space.


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

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