Reference > Style examples > Risers from axis or data

Risers from axis or data

Risers are drawn from the X-axis (or XY-plane in 3D charts) to each datapoint. If a baseline is defined, this is used as the target for the risers, rather than the axis.

sp.LineGraphStyle = LineGraphStyles.Risers;

For polar charts the risers are drawn as radial lines from the centre.

Using risers to show residuals

When a modelfit or trend surface has been used in a Scatter plot or Cloud chart (3D scatter) the risers are drawn from the regression line or fitted surface to each datapoint, rather than from the X-axis or XY-plane.

This provides a quick visual check of the residuals, and may help to locate the datapoints relative to the fitted surface in the projection of the 3D chart.

See also ...

SharpPlot | CloudChartStyle | HistogramStyle | LineGraphStyle | PolarChartStyle | ResponsePlotStyle | ScatterPlotStyle | StepChartStyle

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