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A Simple Scatter plot in XYZ space

The Cloud chart is essentially a scatter-plot in 3 dimensions (maybe you are running an experiment in which you vary pressure and temperature, and are interested in the yield of the result). Rather than fitting a line to show the relationship between input and output, you fit a plane (if the data is linear in both x and y) or a curved surface.

This style of chart would often be used with a large dataset (several thousand points) to get a feel for the general shape of a distribution. In this example ‘risers’ have been drawn from the xy plane to give a better idea of where the points are placed on the xy plane.

SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot;

sp.Heading = "XYZ Scatter";
sp.HeadingStyle = HeadingStyles.Right;

zdata = new int[] {12,65,77,117,9,112};
xdata = new int[] {17,31,29,21,30,21};
ydata = new int[] {190,270,310,300,190,230};

sp.CloudChartStyle = CloudChartStyles.WallShading|CloudChartStyles.Risers|
sp.ZAxisStyle = ZAxisStyles.ForceZero;
sp.XAxisStyle = XAxisStyles.GridLines;
sp.YAxisStyle = YAxisStyles.GridLines|YAxisStyles.FlatText;


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