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Home > Sample Charts > BarChart > Horizontal barchart, with ticks and gridlines between bars Horizontal barchart, with ticks and gridlines between barsThis chart of oil reserves is again designed for easy reading, and uses the horizontal style to allow space for the labels. The gradient fill is usd to good effect here to add contrast to the data values. These are shown inside the bars, unless there was insufficient space, when SharpPlot automatically moves the text to the right-hand end of the bar. For high-contrast labels, you might also use white text with the value style ‘invert’ to have the text drawn in the base color of the bar, if it was moved outside. ![]() SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot; sp.SetBackground(Color.White,FillStyle.Solid); country = new string[]{"Syria","Qatar","Oman","Kuwait","Iraq","UAE","Iran","Saudi Arabia"}; barrels = new int[] {560,715,910,2025,2505,2580,2550,8595}; sp.SetMargins(36,24,72,16); sp.SetColors(Color.Firebrick); sp.SetFillStyles(FillStyle.GradientLeft); sp.BarChartStyle = BarChartStyles.Horizontal|BarChartStyles.ValueTags| BarChartStyles.TicksBetween; sp.XAxisStyle = XAxisStyles.ForceZero|XAxisStyles.NoAxis; sp.YAxisStyle = YAxisStyles.GridLines|YAxisStyles.MiddleLabels|YAxisStyles.InvisibleAxis; sp.YTickStyle = YTickStyles.NoTicks; sp.Gap = 0.3; sp.SetLabelFont("Arial",10,Color.Black); sp.SetValueFont("Arial",10,FontStyle.Bold,Color.Black); sp.ValueTagFormat = "#,##0"; sp.ValueTagStyle = ValueTagStyles.Inside; sp.Heading = "Middle East Oil Production"; sp.SetHeadingFont("ARB",14,Color.Black); sp.HeadingStyle = HeadingStyles.Left; sp.Subheading = "Production,1000s of Barrels/day"; sp.SetSubheadingFont("Arial",10,Color.Black); sp.Footnote = "Source BP(1999 figures)"; sp.FootnoteStyle = FootnoteStyles.Right|FootnoteStyles.RuledAbove; sp.SetFootnoteFont("Arial",8,Color.Black); sp.SetYLabels(country); sp.DrawBarChart(barrels); Worked Examples