Home > Sample Charts > BarChart > Grouped data in a vertical chart

Grouped data in a vertical chart

This simple barchart illustrates several SharpPlot features which are designed to make the programmer’s life easy. Notice how the value-tags hop on top of the bars when they run out of space. In this case the ‘Recolor’ style has been used to have them take on the color of the bar (rather than white) when this happens.

The gap between bars (within each group) has been closed up completely, and the gap between groups reduced to half the width of one bar. By setting both gaps ‘relative to bar’ in this way, SharpPlot will adapt automatically to new data series with more or fewer bars.

Notice how the XLabelFormat has been used to expand slightly on the project identifiers used as labels.

SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot;

data = new int[][]{new int[]{6,18,27,31,40,43},new int[]{17,33,42,54,71,78}};

sp.Heading = "Comparative Spend 2004-5";
sp.BarChartStyle = BarChartStyles.TicksBetween|BarChartStyles.ValueTags|
sp.XAxisStyle = XAxisStyles.MiddleLabels|XAxisStyles.GridLines;

sp.ValueTagStyle = ValueTagStyles.Vertical|ValueTagStyles.Inside|
sp.ValueTagFormat = "###0 Units";

sp.Gap = 0;
sp.GroupGap = 0.5;
sp.SetColors(new Color[]{Color.Green,Color.Maroon});

sp.XLabelFormat = "Proj-XX";
sp.SetXLabels(new string[]{"A2","18","Q5","T6","T8","32"});
sp.SetKeyText(new string[]{"Last Year","This Year"});


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BarChart1 BarChart2 BarChart3 BarChart4

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