Home > Sample Charts > BarChart > Stacked data, drawn horizontally

Stacked data, drawn horizontally

This is a very typical format for a horizontal barchart. In this example, the labels show the values of each sector (SharpPlot defaults to showing the cumulative totals) and are centered in the bars.

Note that the labels are automatically formatted, and will be elided if there is insufficient space in the bar to show them

SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot;

data = new int[][]{new int[]{21,18,27,31,40,43,56},new int[]{12,33,42,54,71,78,88}};

sp.Heading = "Cumulative Resource Usage";
sp.BarChartStyle = BarChartStyles.TicksBetween|BarChartStyles.ValueTags|
sp.YAxisStyle = YAxisStyles.MiddleLabels|YAxisStyles.GridLines|YAxisStyles.CenteredCaption;
sp.ValueTagStyle = ValueTagStyles.Middle|ValueTagStyles.SectorValues;
sp.ValueTagFormat = "###0\nUnits";

sp.Gap = 0;
sp.MarginLeft = 48;

sp.SetColors(new Color[]{Color.Green,Color.Red});

sp.YLabelFormat = "Project\n#0000";  // Allows newlines here
sp.SetYLabels(new int[] {12,18,5,67,8,32});
sp.SetKeyText(new string[]{"Last Year","This Year"});


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BarChart1 BarChart2 BarChart3 BarChart4

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