Reference > Enumerations > BubbleChartStyles Enumeration

BubbleChartStyles Enumeration

Bubblechart Style (flags).

public enum BubbleChartStyles


AltitudeShadingAltitude shading is used with contour plots, bubble charts and response surfaces
AnnotateModelAnnotate model with computed equation
ClippedClip axes and all lines and markers at chart edge
CroppedAxesCrops all chart elements at the axis boundary
CurvesPoints are joined with smooth curves rather than straight lines
ExplodeAxesAxes are set back from the plotting area
ForceZeroForce zero (all axes include origin)
FrameAxesAxes are completed to frame chart and all data is cropped
GridLinesDraw gridlines (all axes)
HaloMarkersHalo all markers (improves 3D effect on Cloud charts)
LinesDatapoints are connected with lines
LogarithmicAll chart axes are drawn logarithmically
MarkersMarkers are drawn at data points
ModelFitCompute and show regression line or surface
NoAxesNo axes are drawn on the chart
OnTopModelModelfit is drawn ontop of data
OverlayGridGridlines are drawn ontop of data
RadialScalingBubble charts scale using radius rather than area
ScaleBarBubble charts and altitude-shaded Contour plots add a nominal Z-Axis
SpannedMatching column labels are merged
ValueTagsValue tags are written for data items


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

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