Home > Sample Charts > PieChart


The Piechart is typically used to show how some total value is divided up, for example sales in two or more regions. It works best when there are only a few values, and they should be ranked in numerical order to facilitate comparison of the sector sizes. Pies are often labelled with the actual values in the sectors, and one or more sectors may be ‘exploded’ to emphasise certain values.

It is also possible to vary the radius of the individual sectors to produce a style of chart often known as the Rose diagram which may be appropriate to some very specific types of data.

SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot;
sp.PieChartStyle = PieChartStyles.ValueTags;
sp.ValueTagStyle = ValueTagStyles.Inside;
data = new int[] {31,23,16,8};
expl = new int[] {0,0,25,0};

Worked Examples

piechart1 piechart2 piechart3 piechart4

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