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Home > Sample Charts > LineGraph > Drawing a Line given both x and y values Drawing a Line given both x and y valuesLinegraphs are most commonly used to represent data which changes over time (stock prices or currency values are typical) but may be used wherever pairs of X and Y values are joined by lines. The default is to join the points with straight lines, but for some applications (for example illustrating a graph of Y-squared versus X) then it is better to use smooth curves. This example illustrates a mathematical curve, with computed x and y values. The ‘curves’ style works well for examples like this, as many fewer intermediate points are required to give a pleasing result. It is called a Fibonacci spiral, and cuts the x-axis at the classic Fibonacci series values of 1 1 2 3 5 8 and so on. ![]() SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot; sp.Heading = "Fibonacci Series for Real Numbers"; ydata = FibFn(xdata); sp.SetXDatumLines(0); sp.SetYDatumLines(0); sp.DrawLineGraph(ydata,xdata); Worked Examples