Home > Sample Charts > ScatterPlot > Using Logarithmic Axes

Using Logarithmic Axes

The Scatter plot is most often used to answer questions like “How does Age affect Reaction time?” where you have a variety of measurements and are trying to get an impression of the relationships between them. Of course a relationship does not always imply causality, but with care it is usually possible to make a predictive model which gives useful information.

This example shows one obvious way of transforming the data, by making both X and Y axes logarithmic. Transforming, scaling or shifting the data is often an essential part of helping to see patterns. However it made very little difference in this particular example!

SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot;

sp.Heading = "Maybe Logs would help?";
sp.YCaption = "Price\n(£Thou)";
sp.XCaption = "Floor Area (sq ft)";

sp.YAxisStyle = YAxisStyles.LogScale|YAxisStyles.AtEndCaption;
sp.XAxisStyle = XAxisStyles.LogScale;

sp.ScatterPlotStyle = ScatterPlotStyles.GridLines;


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scatterplot1 scatterplot2 scatterplot3 scatterplot4

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