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Home > Sample Charts > ResponsePlot > Mesh with Given X and Y Co-ordinates Mesh with Given X and Y Co-ordinatesThis chart is almost always used to illustrate a computed mathematical surface, and could often be combined with a Cloudchart to show a theoretical model overlayed with raw data values. In the simplest case it takes a rectangular array of arrays of Z-values (effectively a matrix) and treats these as a uniform mesh to be plotted vertically with equally spaced x and y values. An option is to provide either or both of the x and x values as arrays of the correct length, to draw the mesh on a non-uniform scale. This has the same arrays for the mesh as shown in the first example, but the nodes are placed explicitly in both X and Y directions, so the effect is to stretch the surface. ![]() SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot; mesh = new int[][]{new int[]{8,7,6,5,4,3},new int[]{12,11,10,9,8,7},new int[]{16,15, 14,13,12,11}}; xvalues = new int[] {8,10,16,20,26,48}; yvalues = new int[] {8,12,20}; sp.SetMargins(48,12,24,0); sp.Heading = "Stretched Mesh Surface"; sp.ResponsePlotStyle = ResponsePlotStyles.WallShading|ResponsePlotStyles.Markers; sp.SetMarkers(Marker.Ball); sp.DrawResponsePlot(mesh,xvalues,yvalues); Worked Examples