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Home > Sample Charts > MinMaxChart > Adding Errorbars to a ScatterPlot Adding Errorbars to a ScatterPlotSome data series are best represented by their range at each time-value. This chart is also commonly used for stock-price data where the daily high and low may be combined with opening and closing values to produce a wide variety of typical ‘Wall Street Journal’ plots of the market data. Experimental data may have errors on the y-dimension, the x-dimension or both. This chart is very similar to the Hi-Lo plot, but uses two MinMax charts to show errors in both X and Y directions. Note that the scatter is typically the last chart to be drawn, so that the errorbars set the Y-axis range. If the X-errors are very large it may be necessary to set the X-axis range explicitly here. Plotting the data last also has the effect of placing the markers on top of the errorbars, which looks much cleaner. ![]() SharpPlot sp = new SharpPlot; yield = new int[] {6,8,12,11,17,32,20,28}; temp = new int[] {12,14,23,28,31,34,36,40}; error = new int[] {2,2,4,4,4,12,6,8}; sp.Heading = "Errorbars in 2 Dimensions"; sp.XCaption = "Temperature °C"; sp.YCaption = "Yield (gm)"; sp.SetColors(new Color[]{Color.Navy,Color.Navy,Color.Maroon}); sp.MinMaxChartStyle = MinMaxChartStyles.ErrorBars; sp.DrawMinMaxChart(AE.Plus(yield,error),AE.Minus(yield,error),temp); sp.MinMaxChartStyle = MinMaxChartStyles.ErrorBars|MinMaxChartStyles.Horizontal; sp.DrawMinMaxChart(AE.Plus(temp,1),AE.Minus(temp,1),yield); sp.SetMarkers(Marker.Bullet); sp.DrawScatterPlot(yield,temp); Worked Examples