Reference > Enumerations > PolarChartStyles Enumeration

PolarChartStyles Enumeration

Polarchart Style (flags).

public enum PolarChartStyles


ArrowLinesDraw arrows at ends of lines
ClockFacePolar chart represents a 24-hour clock
CompassPlotTreat X-values as degrees in Polar plots
CurvesPoints are joined with smooth curves rather than straight lines
GridLinesDraw gridlines (all axes)
HaloMarkersHalo all markers (improves 3D effect on Cloud charts)
HollowCenterPolar gridlines radiate from first tick rather than centre
IndexedData is indexed to the initial value = 100
MarkersMarkers are drawn at data points
NoAxesNo axes are drawn on the chart
NoLinesNo lines are drawn (turns off default)
OriginMarkerMark centre of polar plot with a bold dot
OverlayGridGridlines are drawn ontop of data
RisersDraw risers to data points from axis or fitted model
SkipRepeatsRepeated y-values are eliminated (treated as missing values)
SkipRunsRuns of identical y-values are eliminated (preserves the first and last of each run)
SurfaceShadingSurface shading is used on linecharts, down to the axis or a given baseline
ValueTagsValue tags are written for data items
XYPlotFirst column gives the X-values for LinePlot


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | PolarChartStyle Property

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