Reference > Properties > TableStyle Property

SharpPlot.TableStyle Property

Set Tablechart style to any combination of flags.

public TableStyles TableStyle {get; set;}


sp.TableStyle = TableStyles.Spanned;


AbsoluteMeasurements are in points, not scaled by chart axes
BoxedChart elements are boxed
CenterCentre-align within chart frame
ColumnsVector plot has column-wise data
FitWidthTables are sized to fit frame width
GridLinesDraw gridlines (all axes)
MergedMatching row-labels are merged
OpaqueBackground area is filled with current background style
RightRight-align within chart frame
RoundedBoxes are drawn with rounded corners
ShadowedBoxes are drawn with a drop-shadow
SpannedMatching column labels are merged
UseHeadersTables pick up headers and footers

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | DrawTable Method

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