Reference > Glossaries > The SilverLight Plugin

The SilverLight Plugin

SilverLight is a Microsoft-supported browser plugin to support distribution of .Net applications in the browser. It includes the ability to draw any shapes specified in the XAML language, which allows any SharpPlot chart to be rendered in the browser as vector artwork.

In order to support hyperlinks, hints and tips on arbitrary graphic elements, SharpPlot ships with a simple supporting script to handle mouse events on active chart components and take the required action. This script should be referenced in your calling webpage which could look something like:

<html><head><title>Sample Graphic in XAML</title>  <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverlight.js"></script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="Silverplot.js"></script></head><body bgcolor="Wheat"><h2>Sample Graphic</h2>  <div id="SLH1"></div>  <script type="text/javascript">      Silverlight.createObject("chart.xaml", document.getElementById("SLH1"), "SL1",      { width:'576', height:'432', version:'1.0'}, {}, null);  </script></body></html>

Alternatively, you can embed the entire chart in the page wrapped as a script block. See the notes on the Microsoft site for the recommended way to do this.

See also ...

RenderXaml Method | SaveXaml Method

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