Reference > Methods > RenderXaml Method

SharpPlot.RenderXaml Method

This method returns the chart expressed as a XAML Canvas, with optional scaling. The default scale converts points to pixels at 96/72 and will produce the same size image as the chart rendered to SVG. The chart can be viewed on the web in most common browsers with the SilverLight plugin.


string xaml = sp.RenderXaml(1.5);    // Save as bare Canvas slightly scaled up



To make use of this format on the internet, you will need the SilverLight plugin from Microsoft, and an appropriate ‘wrapper’ HTML page to load the plugin and render the XAML content.

Your page should reference the silverlight.js file supplied with the plugin, and also the silverplot.js file supplied with SharpPlot which adds support for hints, tips and hyperlinks to your charts.

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | SaveXaml Method | The SilverLight Plugin

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