Reference > Enumerations > EquationStyles Enumeration

EquationStyles Enumeration

Placement and other options for model-fit equation (flags).

public enum EquationStyles


AbsolutePosition is interpreted as (x,y) in points
AtEndOutside the line at the right-hand end
BelowBelow the line
ForceOriginForce fitted line through the origin
LeftLeft end of fitted line
LinearFitForce a linear equation even if we have logarithmic axes
MiddleMiddle of fitted line
OpaqueOpaque background to text
PercentagePosition is interpreted as (x,y) in percentage of axes
PlacementPlacement and other options for model-fit equation
SpanDataFitted line spans data range, not X-axis
StraddleStraddling the line


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | EquationStyle Property

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