Release notes > Build 1.1 August 2008

Build 1.1 August 2008

New capabilities

Upfront ranging – adds four new property-setters to allow you to exploit the auto-ranging even when there are several upcoming plots. Calling these with any array or set of arrays:

    sp.SetXDataRange(new int[][] {x1,x2});

will simple add the lowest and highest values to the first series plotted, and then range as usual. This works independently for X,Y,Z and Inner axes as you would expect.

Legend entries – these are added by default for trendlines and modelfit but this may be a nuisance to a Gui front-end, so now you can set:

   sp.ModelFitKey = false;
   sp.TrendLineKey = false;

to turn either of these placeholders off. For consistency:

   sp.SeriesKey = false;

will eliminate the series placeholder in the same way.

Label mask – SharpPlot does its best to thin out colliding X-labels for you, but if the labels are angled or it just gets this wrong, you can set a boolean array (which is reshaped to the number of labels) to thin them manually.

    sp.SetLabelMask(new bool[] {false,true});  // Alternate labels

Note that this adapts itself to barcharts where there is a dummy label on the Y-axis. It applies to 2D charts, Polar charts, Piecharts and the Dial chart only. Also dialcharts now handle long label text rather better.

Fixed bugs and minor tweaks

Absolute ticks – were not quite accurately giving the user what was asked for. Showed up if you asked to draw the ticks right across the entire axis frame when they came up slightly short. Fixed! Also the tick-length arrays are now double[] as well as int[] to allow easy conversion from other units.

Constructor – allows for (double,double) now as paper size in points.

Descending X or Y-ticks – accidentally eliminated the modelfit line. Fixed.

Legend gap – added KeyGap property (default 1.32) to set the space between legend entries in a vertical key.

Rotated text with HTML tagging – tags were ignored here. Now uses the normal HTML parsing utility to output unrotated text having rotated the co-ordinate system. Trivial in EPS and the raster viewers, but requires care in PDF. Not yet supported in XAML which needs a serious think, or a future release of SilverLight which will probably do it native with tspan tags (like SVG does).

Pie legends – use of the ‘FarthestFirst’ style changed the ordering of the legend blocks. Fixed.

Tables in a Trellis – the table did not notice the cell structure and just drew in the lower left of the page. Now small tables centre in the available space and large ones are scaled (keeping aspect) to fit as best they can. They do Headers, Subheads and Footers correctly now too as a bonus, but only when called stand-alone or in a trellis or if you set the UseHeaders style explicitly.

Trellis – does gridlines now. Uses the Axis settings to box it and the Gridline settings (shared with tables) to draw the gridlines. Set TrellisStyles.Gridlines to activate it.

Trellis – style ‘SkipToNext’ eliminated as it fights with ‘Reset’ which is much more useful. No way to fix this with the current design, so seems safer to force an explicit NewCell() call.

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