Reference > Methods > SavePdf Method

SharpPlot.SavePdf Method

This saves your chart in Portable Document Format for distribution to anyone who has the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher.




The default is to have the document open in the user’s default mode, to embed all non-standard TrueType fonts and to compress the PDF content. You can set the Open Mode to open the outlines window, or to start with the document in full-screen view (useful for presentations).

By default, all fonts except the ‘base-14’ set will be embedded in the document automatically. If you are sure that all your potential viewers will have the fonts you have used, then set the noembed list to the names of the safe fonts, for example “Verdana,Perpetua” would be typical. This will make the document very much smaller, and the Acrobat Reader will usually be quite successful in substituting missing fonts if you are unlucky.

Compression is standard in PDF production (as well as reducing the document size it makes the material much harder to tamper with) but you may turn it off, either to assist in debugging a rendering problem or to preserve comments added with AddComment . Typically this would be to have a post-processing job catalogue the documents using tags saved in the comments.

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | RenderPdf Method

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