Reference > Enumerations > KeyStyles Enumeration

KeyStyles Enumeration

Key style (flags).

public enum KeyStyles


AbsolutePositionAbsolute position in points is given
AutofitTextShrink text to fit within given frame
BaselineBaselined legend (on first line of text)
BottomAlignBottom aligned key frame
BoxedBoxed key
BoxFrameBox given frame instead of text
CenterAlignCenter aligned key frame
InlineWithDataLegends are written inline with data
LeftAlignLeft aligned key frame
MiddleAlignMiddle aligned key frame
NoKeyNo key (always omit key)
NoWrapKey text is not wrapped to margin
PercentagePercentage of chart area used for placement
PlainPlain (no markers) key
ReversedReversed order of legend items
RightAlignRight aligned key frame
RoundedRounded key box
ShadowedShadowed key box
TopAlignTop aligned key frame
VerticalVertically arranged legend


Namespace: Causeway

Assembly: SharpPlot (in sharpplot.dll)

See also ...

SharpPlot Members | KeyStyle Property

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